Vitiligo is one type of skin disease in which people experience loss of pigment in certain areas of the skin, resulting in white patches. This particular condition occurs when the cells of the skin produce melanin, the pigment that provides color to the eyes, hair, and skin, are destroyed or stop functioning. However, there is a vitiligo treatment that we are going to talk about here in this article.
About Benoquin or Monobenzone:
Monobenzone comes in the form of a very light whitish powder and is slightly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol. In emulsions and ointments, it is usually incorporated and dispersed in propylene glycol or glycerin.
Benoquin or Monobenzone effectively blocks that process in the skin which leads to discoloration. Besides, it reduces any rash, pain, redness, or itchiness. Monobenzone also called hydroquinone monobenzyl inhibits melanin synthesis and causes irreversible destruction of melanocytes.
Due to this last action, it is used in the long-term treatment of residual vitiligo spots.
Monobenzone is usually formulated at 20% in emulsions. It is a prescription asset. The following galenic aspects stand out:
- An anionic emulsive base such as Beeler's base should be used to achieve maximum stability of the monobenzone.
- It is essential to add an antioxidant to protect the monobenzone against oxidation.
- It is advisable to add the same amount of glycerin as monobenzone (in this case 20%) with two objectives: to facilitate the incorporation of the monobenzone into the Beeler base, avoiding the formation of lumps, and to promote the diffusion of the monobenzone through the fur.
- The addition of the emulsive base to the dispersion of monobenzone in glycerin must be done in small portions using a mortar. It is advisable to beat until homogeneous after each addition.
- A paste-shaped emulsion will be obtained given the high amount of monobenzone added.
The following dermatological aspects stand out:
- The following side effects may appear during vitiligo treatment: irritation, itching, stinging, skin sensitization, and dermatitis.
- Monobenzone should not be used as a simple cosmetic depigmentant, since it also causes the destruction of melanocytes. The fundamental indication is to treat the residual pigmentation of vitiligo.
- Concentrations of 10-20% are usually handled. You start with 10% to study tolerance.
- Treatments usually last at least 4 months (2-3 applications per day exclusively on the area to be depigmented). And not in all patients the desired total depigmentation occur.
- The application of the emulsion should be carried out exclusively on the areas to be depigmented.
For more information on the product, do not miss to check out all the details on